Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Offline Install NET Framework 3.5

Net Framework is a framework that is used to run programs made ​​based .Net, by default Windows 8 just provide the new Net framework version only, while .Net framework version 3.5 is not provided by default, while in the outside is still a lot of Net-based programs for version 3.5.

For those of you who have super internet connection it is not a problem, because you can directly download these packages are fairly large in size. But for those who are indigent bandwidth, this is a problem.

But there is a trick that we wants to convey to the reader as well, that the installer of Windows 8 was already providing this Net 3.5 package, you only need to know the way how to install it on your Windows 8.

The steps to offline install .Net Framework 3.5 are as follows:
  • Insert the DVD installer of Windows 8 or associate ISO DVD Windows 8 so that the drive can be accessed, for example F.
  • Later than ISO DVDs or files that have been linked, open the folder sources\sxs.
  • Then open Command Prompt in Administrator mode from the Quick Access Menu.
  • Navigate the Command Prompt to sources\sxs before with the command: CD F:\sources\sxs.
  • Then type the command to install .Net Framework 3.5 package with the command:
    Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:c:\net /LimitAccess
Wait until the installation is completed, after the installation process is complete, now Net Framework 3.5 is already installed on your computer.

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