Sunday, September 7, 2014

Peer to peer network

Peer means co-workers. Peer-to-peer network is a computer network that consists of multiple computers (usually no more than 10 computers with printers 1-2).
For a specific use, such as computer laboratory, research, and a few other things, then the model is peer-to-peer connections could be developed for more than 10 to 100 computers.

Peer to peer is a model in which each PC can use the resource on another PC or give its resources to use by another PC. In other words can function as a client and a server in the same period. This method of peer to peer in Windows system known as Workgroup, in which each computers in the network are grouped in a working group.

For example, there are several computers in the department saw a group named according to the department concerned. Each computer is assigned an IP address from the same IP class to be able to share with each other to exchange data or resource that is owned by each computer, such as printers, CD-ROM, file, and others.

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